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Landforms and the world map

These 3 mapping and landform resources will guide explorations into different landforms (hill, mountain, river, lake, valley, bay, peninsula, coastal plain, piedmont, plain and plateau) and where they occur in the world.

Structure and features

  • The National Geographic landforms gallery looks at 10 different landforms and provides photos of each. It has examples from around the world, each with a description. The gallery also has labelled landform maps showing where hills, mountains, rivers, lakes, valleys, bays, peninsulas, coastal plains, piedmonts, plains and plateaus may occur in relation to other landforms - National Geographic: mapping landforms.
  • Google Earth enables multiple visual views of any place in the world - Google Earth.
  • The National Geographic mapmaker provides a range of world maps that allows students or teachers to interactively mark and label specific landforms, countries, continents and oceans. This resource is best used with Google Earth when locating specific landforms in various countries - National Geographic mapmaker.

For teachers

This represents an opportunity to manipulate an interactive world map, with a focus on landforms.

The learning experiences can be modified to suit classroom learning, catering for student differentiation as well as literacy and physical learning needs.


Teacher notes

This resource has connections with year 3, 4 and 5 learning in the Australian curriculum.