These links will help children learn about some of the things they can see in the Australian night sky, Australian wildlife that comes out at night and other activities with a night time focus.
Structure and features
For families
Explore the night sky together with:
- the moon and its phases — Moon 101 from National Geographic
- 'starlapse' photography that shows Australia’s beautiful night sky.
Families can sing a night time song together — Twinkle Little Star song.
For families that want to explore the outdoors together at night — Australian Wildlife — children explore with torches in the night. Please be safe with this activity and don't try to get close to the animals or touch the animals.
These last 2 activities are things that families can do inside.
For teachers
These links can be shared with families who have children interested in the night sky. Families can explore how to make shadow puppets and record their shadow puppets to share with teachers and friends using online messages or though video calls.
Links and files
Teacher notes
Learning capabilities:
- Broaden vocabulary
- Australian nocturnal animals
- How the moon was formed and phases
- Scientific language
- Night time perspectives
- Cause and effect using hands to make shadows
Learning Outcome 2 Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners