Design a coronavirus quarantine house.
You might like to submit your design in a global challenge, or share with an engineer or with South Australia's entrepreneurs through Future Industries Exchange for Entrepreneurship (FIXE).
Structure and features
Your challenge is to design a coronavirus quarantine house.
Engineering challenge:
- Research the current situation to the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic.
- Identify the need to design a COVID-19 quarantine house and put your ideas for a potential solution in writing.
- Draw your design (either free hand or using drawing software available on your computers) and/or build a simple model with items found in your home and take a picture of it to share.
- Share your engineering design widely (other students, family members, local engineers, entrepreneurs or globally, etc).
Example online design resources:
The attachment is an example of an innovation design currently in progress in the United States by the New York Building Systems Consultant, Inc.
Links and files
Teacher notes
Phenomenon-based learning (PHBL) is an educational movement initiated by Finland’s educational system in 2016 striving to expand typical project-based learning (PBL) and problem-based learning (PrBL) approaches into learning experiences that immerse students deeper into contextual situations aligned with real-life issues, while also applying knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines.
Australian Curriculum: Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics.
Students are encouraged to share their innovative solutions widely.
Engage your students in a timely project addressing the world-wide concerns surrounding COVID-19 by empowering them to think about solutions to local and world-wide issues they have become aware of from media updates and discussions occurring in their homes.
Students might like to submit their design:
- globally to University of Texas
- locally to an engineer by Skype at Engineers Australia. Contact toll free 1300 653 113.
- in South Australia to an entrepreneur at Future Industries Exchange for Entrepreneurship (FIXE). Contact Office of the Chief Entrepreneur at osace [at]