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Solids, liquids and gases

Students work in cooperative learning teams to explore how adding and removing heat can impact on the properties of gas and result in changes to the states of matter. Through class discussions, group tasks and scientific investigations, students develop an understanding of how the observable properties and behaviours of these states of matter are used to help classify substances and why some substances are difficult to classify.

Structure and features

The website contains:

  • outline of unit
  • background information
  • safety advice
  • materials and equipment
  • links to Australian Curriculum content descriptions
  • digital resources
  • useful links.


Teacher notes

This unit builds on students understanding of the properties of solids and liquids that was developed in year 3. The concept developed then focuses on the observable properties and behaviours of gas, how we use gas in our everyday lives, and some of the safety implications of this.

Use this resource to support your planning for year 5 chemical sciences. Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways. This resource also provides opportunities for students to build their science inquiry skills and their understanding of the nature and development of science. Allow for opportunities to extract students misconceptions and plan for opportunities for students to think of alternative ways.

Step through the teaching sequence in order and plan for 'just in time' explicit teaching.