This resource is an interactive course from TedEd exploring how computer memory works. It shows how data is stored and later retrieved to give us the information we need.
Structure and features
How does a computer remember all the information we give it? This resource looks at computers and their memory devices.
Look at the resource with the students:
- Create a free account on TEDed. Students under 16 need parental consent.
- Ask students what they know about computer memory. Ask them to draw or write about the hardware that controls computer memory. You can print and get them to do the hardware and software exercise (PDF 364KB).
- Do the animated how computer memory works TEDed lesson.
- Answer the questions.
Some students might need help to read the text.
Links and files
Teacher notes
This learning aligns with the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum 5/6 band.
The strand is focused on digital systems and how they work.