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Prepared message: from sector offices to site leaders (about a former student’s sudden death)

For use by all sectors.


We recommend this message is sent to schools where the deceased student had attended in the last 12 months. However, think about the context for the affected school and community. In some situations it might be longer.

Text for email or memo

Dear principal / site leader

Sadly a <age> year old student from a <government / Catholic / Independent> school in the
<north / south / east / west / metropolitan / regional area> died suddenly on <date>.

News about this sad event might already be on social media. This could impact vulnerable students at your school.

Please inform your leadership team and student wellbeing leaders / school counsellors. Use your school’s usual communication channels.

Continue to support all of your students. Respond to any wellbeing concerns raised by anyone in your school community.

Think about your school staff’s psychological wellbeing. Contact your school’s counselling provider to provide support.

Contact us if you need more information or support.

Please use the suicide response and postvention guidelines when you respond to this sudden death.

Thank you for your attention in this sensitive matter.