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Reception to year 2

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ABC Education brings you high-quality digital educational content from across the ABC and around the world. This website offers a new, world-class education experience for Australian students, and is packed with thousands of videos, audio clips, games and interactive tools.

Choose your own maths adventure by building a custom playlist of inspirational maths activities and messages!

Convince Me That provides a series of statements such as '3 weeks is greater than 20 days' or 'the sum of 2 odd numbers is always even'. Students practise their ability to justify their thoughts and articulate their ideas clearly.

The website contains a range of topics and individual activities that teachers can use to create their own units or students can explore independently to build their skills and knowledge. 

Estimation 180 provides estimation challenges for students to develop their problem-solving skills and number sense. Students are asked to make carefully calculated estimates and provide justifications for their answers.

Numeracy activities to share at home with your child.

A series of videos to encourage parents and children to interact with simple mathematics concepts at home. This can be with rhymes, cooking, patterning, sequencing and games.

Kidsnews has school education tasks and fun activities to help teachers, parents and students. It is made by teachers and is linked to the Australian Curriculum.

Dan Finkel is an American educator, his website has free games and resources for teachers and parents. These resources are designed to assist with developing a sound understanding of the mathematical concepts introduced. Tasks and games are supported by videos, podcasts and instructions.

Dan is also currently sending out emails with activities linked to his website for activities that students can do at home. Signing up to these emails is free and worthwhile.

The CK-12 foundation has handpicked lessons for maths and science specifically aimed at independent learning and remote learning.

    National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) is a recognised website that provides mathematics information and learning tasks. These tasks are based on the UK mathematics progressions but align well to the Australian Curriculum. It has ideas for teaching concepts, and is supported by vocabulary, key idea lists and lists of possible misconceptions.

    Resources to develop mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Nrich aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners and embeds rich mathematical tasks into everyday classroom practice.

    On the website you will find activities, tips, and information to support young children's maths learning during everyday activities. Families help children to learn when they encourage children to compare, notice and describe in everyday language. What is longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, holds more, holds less? Watch a video and try some of the simple activities suggested with your children.

    Students and parents can access this website to practise basic number skills and other mathematical skills. It provides opportunity for skill development in a digital environment, although there is a PDF version if required.

    The age level suggestions are a guide and students should be practising activities that they are confident with.

    Parents count too has short PDFs in all languages that give practical suggestions of simple activities to do with children at home. The links for each topic are provided below.

    Counting, measuring, shapes, graphing, patterns.

    After following the link, scroll down the alphabetical list to P - parents count too.

    Patterns – from the top drawer teachers website – is a resource for reception to year 3 teachers.

      Games that promote logic and strategy are included below as well as games that practise simple number facts. Rules are included in a PDF format on most occasions. Some tasks have a link included in the references that allows you to play online, eg Hex.

        Lists of picture books and ways to use them effectively to teach mathematics.

        There are rich learning activities and problem solving activities for a range of mathematical concepts on nzmaths. It contains a searchable resource finder, activities and units of work.

        Reasoning by top drawer teachers is a resource designed for students from reception to year 10.

          ReSolve promotes relevant and engaging mathematics teaching, and learning from reception to year 10. It's a collaboration between the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers.

          Quality activities for teachers that can be used as part of sequences of learning for subtraction in mathematics.

          Mathsforlove is a website that covers a broad range of mathematics topics.

          A website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike. There are no answers provided as there are many different, correct ways of choosing which one doesn't belong.

          White Rose Maths team has prepared a series of 5 maths lessons for each year group from years 1 to 8.

          Youcubed has numerous high-quality resources to develop students’ deep understanding of number and other concepts. There are games for learning multiplication and addition facts, conceptually and visually.

          Youcubed has numerous high-quality resources to develop students’ deep understanding of number and other concepts. There are games for learning multiplication and addition facts, conceptually and visually.