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Years 7 to 10

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This online resources provides students with important information about their rights and responsibilities. They cover issues such as:

  • living independently
  • alcohol
  • discrimination
  • consumer rights
  • tattoos
  • graffiti
  • bullying.

These facts sheets and publications are printable and are easy to read as they are written for children by The Legal Services Commission. They have been written to provide legal assistance for South Australians.

This resource contains 8 units of work developed by the History Teachers Association of Australia.

They provide highly detailed unit plans, sequenced lesson plans and all the necessary information to undertake the learning.


Behind the News is a locally made ABC news broadcast programme targeted at students aged 8 to 13 years. Behind the News (more commonly known as BTN) helps students to understand current affairs, news stories and social issues.

The Parliamentary Education Office is a federal government website that provides an excellent collection of teacher resources. It can be used to deliver units of work for years 7 to 10 Civics and citizenship learning area within the Australian curriculum. Unit plans are provided for each year level with supporting documents and videos.

Titled ‘Comparing and contrasting Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome’, this article compares and contrasts the attributes of these two powerful European civilisations. Characteristics such as art, economy, social class, the role of women, fatherhood and government are examined. This article is useful in understanding and developing a historical knowledge of the Mediterranean region. This article is from the ThoughtCo website, a good referencing site.

The 'Crash course world history' website is an informative and well-produced video-based resource that uses content from author John Green. There are approximately 40 topics including World War One and Two, the industrial revolution, the dark ages and ancient Egypt. The average length of each video is about 10 minutes and videos are fast-paced use animations and John Green’s sense of humour to good effect.

This resource is a short video that details migration to South Australia from the colony’s beginnings to the present day. It is locally produced content covering local historical events and  is an excellent resource to build essential knowledge of South Australia's recent migration history. This video  provides several stepping stones for students to explore key elements in more detail and at a length of 6:48 min its easy to watch and entertainingly presented.

GeoGuessr is an online geographic discovery game. It provides a 360 degree visual of a random location, then asks students to guess where they are in the world. Students drop a pin on a world map where they think the visual is, and points are awarded based on the proximity of the guess.

This resource is a searchable website containing Oxfam's documents and materials. They cover issues of:

  • development
  • environmental change
  • food security
  • women’s and children’s rights
  • sustainability.

This website provides information about threats to food security and diplomatic or governmental attempts to defeat global hunger. The site is easy to navigate with sections clearly leading to specific topics or investigations. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts. This site will be useful for students investigating food security, the effects of climate change, geography of wellbeing, or environmental management.

The ABC Education website is a fantastic repository of resources to support History learning from reception to Year 10.

This resource is an informative and entertaining video that explains how much of the human population shifted from hunter-gatherer to village and finally larger urban environments. It explains how and why cities came into existence and are a powerful instrument in the shaping of our communities and human behaviour. This video is an excellent geographical resource and a useful introduction into understanding urbanisation and the interconnectedness of humans.   The video also includes several attached tasks for students to test and extend understanding.

This article explores the ideas and conventions that shape our decision making as consumers. It examines the ethics around capitalism and consumption and how consumers can shape decisions based on a better understanding of:

  • supply chains
  • sustainability
  • an understanding of the idea of 'fair trade'.

ThoughtCo is a premier reference site with a  focus on expert-created education content.

This resource is an informative and entertaining 5-minute video that explains the significance of Viking ships to the success of Viking exploration. TED-Ed animations are excellent tools in providing all learners with explanations of complex ideas. The video is brief and yet covers most key points of the design and construction of Viking ships.

This interactive SBS resource provides an excellent opportunity for students to examine perspectives on the effect of European settlement on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. A stunning interactive visual learning experience where students can gain rich knowledge about two historical accounts that are vastly different. K’gari tells the story of one of the first alleged ‘fake news’ stories to be circulated across Australia. It is about the perceived ‘capture’ but actual ‘rescue’ of British woman Eliza Fraser by Aboriginal people on Fraser Island (K’gari) in 1836. This media is well resourced and supported with several learning resources provided.

This local online resource contains written and photographic records of migration to South Australia since European settlement in 1836.

The discovery of 8 well-preserved mummies in a tomb in Egypt has shone more light on life in ancient Egypt. This article examines the recent discovery of several Egyptian mummies that are over 2,500 years old. The process of mummification is explained with links to extra reading. It is written in student-appropriate language and is filtered to remove inappropriate content or imagery.

Kidsnews.com.au is an easily accessed ready-to-go literacy resource for teachers using current daily news stories for students in the classroom.

This is the official site of the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology. This museum displays the remains and equipment of ‘Otzi the iceman’. The ancient neolithic hunter's remains were discovered in a glacier in 1991. This site provides an excellent body of research students can use to examine details of the amazing discovery and the evidence about his mysterious death. It examines how anthropologists and scientists have used his remains and artefacts to build a better understanding of life in that region 5,300 years ago. The site is easy to navigate and provides material in different formats that students can use to research this ancient figure.

This resource has been created by SA Water and provides students with easy to use resources such as information sheets, short videos, tasks and questions. These allow students to explore the processes of water treatment in South Australia and some of the challenges our water treatment system faces.  The website is easy to navigate and students can pick 1 of the investigations to pursue in more detail.

Who was the most significant Australian Prime Minister of the 20th Century? This resource is most suitable for year 6 history under the theme 'the contribution of individuals and groups to the development of Australian society since Federation'.

The ‘Australians together’ website provides several video and written accounts of the challenges faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people since European settlement. The stories are engaging and are supported with images and video from the time as well as interviews with those affected. The topics covered include the stolen generation, stolen wages, discrimination, intervention and colonial attitudes.

These units of work by the Parliamentary Education Office (PEO)provide teachers with a valuable teaching resource. The PEO is a federal government website that provides an excellent collection of teacher resources that can be used to deliver or develop units of work for years 5 to 10 for the 'civics and citizenship' learning area within the Australian Curriculum. Unit plans are provided for each year level with supporting documents and videos included within the same site. Teachers can use recommendations and instructions to deliver skills and content.

This site provides excellent opportunities to examine the Black Death from a slightly alternative lens, through numbers and figures. Without diluting or lessening the facts and content, this site is easily navigated and covers many key features of the plague. The use of interesting and informative data, maps and other media presents a thought-provoking approach to this significant event. Information is easily accessed, using statistics and numeracy to engage learning.

This is a good website to establish a sound understanding of the Black Death. It uses concise and informative written material which is supported by short videos. The website provides detailed information that helps students to understand the causes of and conditions during the Black Death, the global epidemic which ravaged the Middle Ages.

This government website provides everything you need to know about the High Court of Australia. Information regarding the High Court and its role, history, operation and infrastructure is presented in an easily navigated format. There is an informative video which provides an explanation of the High Court and its importance to our judicial, political and democratic processes. There is also a photo gallery and links to official documentation regarding this legal institution. The site is text rich in certain sections, particularly in the history of the institution, however the comprehension level of the text is suited to an upper middle school student.

This Kids News article focuses on the discovery of several ancient tattooing tools that were used by Polynesian people. It is a useful article to develop an understanding and respect for Polynesian culture. It helps students understand how a recent anthropological discovery helps develop a better understanding of how ancient Polynesians lived. The article also looks at the culturally significant custom of tattooing and other civilisations that practised the custom. It is recommended for year 7 and 8 history students.

An informative and interesting article providing a strong foundation for an understanding of Viking society. It also provides evidence of Viking achievement, lifting the veil on many common misunderstandings and misconceptions about Vikings. This article provides a great overview of the Viking age, ships, exploration and myths. The language used will contain unfamiliar references to geographical regions or practices, however a good level of detail is provided, supported by scientific evidence and anthropological discoveries. It is suitable for year 7 and 8 history students.

This site, ‘Live Science’, provides scientific explanations for many popular stories and discoveries.

The article, ‘Aboriginal Australians co-existed with the megafauna for at least 17,000 years’ provides an explanation of current views on how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples coexisted with Australia’s species of massive land beasts (megafauna). It discusses how the extinction of many species of megafauna could be linked to human behaviour, climate change or a combined effect. The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public.

The Observatory of economic complexity is an incredible learning tool that creates an interactive visual representation of the how different countries economies operate. The link connects to the 'Australia exports for 2017', representing the complexity of trade in an format that is accessible for upper middle school and senior students. This resource can be used to compare and contrast economies and examine a country's imports and exports.

This article provides discussion and key points as to how Apple has developed a competitive market advantage within its industry. The article is a useful entry point into exploring the idea of 'competitive advantage' within studies of business, economics and enterprise..

This ThoughtCo article provides students with a detailed overview of the key forces that created the Renaissance. It provides detailed descriptions of how this period was shaped and how it influenced the ages that followed. This 1,671-word article by a global referencing site is well written and provides hyperlinks to elaborations within the text. Students are provided with an excellent foundation in understanding of this important historical period. Elements such as politics, rediscovery, art, society, learning and humanism are discussed.

The BBC has created this collection of original resources as part of the centenary of World War One. The collection includes videos, images, interactive activities, articles and podcasts.

The BBC has created a thorough collection of resources covering different stages of the war in a clear and concise manner. The key events and ideas are organised chronologically and written by a variety of authors. Other media such as audio of speeches, maps, and photographs are well used to build a thorough overview of the war or explain specific events of World War Two.  Key events are dated, labelled with key players and outcomes and supported with timelines. An excellent source for educators and students alike.

This government site contains a good level of resources and detail for studies into World War Two. This site pays particular attention to Australia’s involvement in both the European and Pacific theatres of war. The focus is on the events and campaigns Australian forces played particular roles in, both on the home front and abroad. All events are well documented and supported with accompanying resources. Text within this site is written to a comprehensible level for middle school students.